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JPC Ventures Travel

Packing Cubes

Over the last few years we have seen all types of brands, shapes and sizes of packing cubes. How do you select, purchase and pack?

We have found packing cubes no matter the shapes or sizes are a great way to stay organized when packing. Whether you are a roller or folder of clothing we believe the cubes help keep luggage organized.

Making a purchase is your personal decision. Travel Tip: If you are new to packing cubes you may want to consider a set that is less expensive and offers a variety of shapes and sizes. Many retailers offer packing cubes. If you Google ( or search engine of choice) search packing cubes the list is amazing. Travel Tip: We noticed that around major U.S. gift giving holidays many retailers have these on sale or special pricing. This has been when we typically purchased ours.

Share your packing cube stories in comments we'd love to hear if you like them, how you use them and any tips to share.



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